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Novatel Mifi 4510l Driver Average ratng: 6,3/10 1820 reviews

A new software update is now available from the Verizon MiFi 4510L. This firmware version is named 2.16.07 and has the enhancements listed below. The previous version was 2.16.03. Vfr3 Please note that you NEED to use a USB cable to update your MiFi with the latest firmware. Also, follow the directions below, as there are multiple steps in order to upgrade your MiFi Firmware. On a positive note, it soon may be possible to tether the MiFi 4510L as this upgrade first installs a driver on your Mac or Windows computer (this didn’t exist before).

  1. Novatel Mifi 2372
Novatel wireless mifi 4510l drivers

'USB Tethering drivers have been added to the Help feature within the admin console within Advanced. 'Novatel Wireless Modem. MiFi 4510L - Firmware Update 2.28! Windows XP Driver. Sprint MiFi® 500 LTE by Novatel Wireless: MiFi 500 Documents. Windows XP Driver. AT&T Mobile Hotspot MiFi Liberate. Download the latest drivers for your Novatel Wireless 4G to keep your Computer up-to-date.


Novatel Mifi 2372

The driver is required in order to do the firmware upgrade.

Choose the right size for you, from 2GB to Unlimited. No smartphone? Connect your basic phone, tablet, hotspot or connected device to America’s best network.

Novatel Mifi 4510l Driver

No annual contract. Monthly plans for your smartphone or connected device.

Find a plan for your business, no matter how big or small. Connect from abroad or reach out to 200+ countries while in the U.S. Connect tablets, hotspots and other devices on a shared data-only plan. Back up your content, personalize your device and more. Store photos, videos, contacts, music, documents, call logs and text messages. Coverage for damage, loss, theft and Verizon Tech Coach support Estimate your expected monthly payments in two steps.