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  3. Vr Editor

Cheers the program is good I like it, I stumbled on it a few mins ago while searching for a flash update. I don't know anything about programming or how much you know yourself but I have some Ideas/feedback. Certain patches on the VF-1 (mainly the guitar multis I think) contain algorhythms where certain modules can be moved around. Eg.The SFX can be moved around to acheive a different sound, also on some I think the WAH, COMP and EQ can be moved. It would be good if the software allows the moving of these movable modules.

If you could do it as a VST MIDI plugin would be good. I generally use the VF-1 as a swiss army knife fx unit, I have 2, it would be good to be able to plug them into Ableton etc. As it is now I can't get it to work if I have MIDI channels running in another program. I haven't tried much yet but I may possibly be able to get round that with a seperate bit of software to bridge the MIDI.

Anyway it's still a good prog as it is.cheers. Let me know what you think. Ahh.Just sussed it out you can move them around with the position slider.

Good work Bingo, you got it! Thumbsup Thanks for the appreciation! I'm just thrilled some people are actually making use of it. As for the VST request. I've certainly thought of it. My next programming goal IS to either do some standalone or VST DSP or synthesis stuff, but that's a HUGE hill to climb and naturally pretty daunting. Making this into a VST controller first WOULD definitely be a logical step towards easing into those waters (OK, enough walking in nature metaphors!

Jan 31, 2018 This video is about Box Latch VF 2018 Edit. Nov 12, 2010 Hey gang, If any of you are rockin' the BOSS VF-1 multi-effects unit and running Windows, I suggest you head on over to VF-1 Editor and check out the patch editor.

), but unfortunately I'm a bit put off by that prospect. The reason is, despite the amount of people I've heard bitching about the lack of a VF-1 editor for years, I'm under the impression that only a few people actually give a. that there's finally one available. Yes, I've received some great thanks and gratitude from a few awesome people, but I don't really think that this editor is going to be used by more than a handful of people. Logically, this means that only a FEW people would care if it was available as a VST controller, and that just doesn't sound very fun.

Vf Editor

I can think of many other ways I'd personally rather enjoy spending hundreds of hours programming than working on something that no one is going to care about. So yeah, that's my deal. Feel free to put your best arm-twisting skills to use in trying to convince me though - I certainly haven't ruled out the possibility yet! First of all, thaks a lot for an avesome tool, it made me reconsider my opinion on VF-1 usefulness, as it was a pain for me to set up sounds via its menus.

Writing an editor was a huge effort and I appreciate it a lot. However, I've got an issue with the editor - receiving patches doesn't work. When on bulk load page and press receive button, Vf-1 says 'now receiving' then 'now sending' and then 'now waiting', but no data is actually received by the editor.

After this operation Vf-1 stops receiving patches too and needs to be reset. I've checked all the settings and I'm sure everything is correct.

Vi Editor Commands

Maybe you can suggest something? Ah, the joys of developing for the world of PC's and its infinite hardware combinations and unpredictabilities. OK, I know this is going to sound insulting, but please indulge me: Do you definitely 100% absolutely have the MIDI output on the VF-1 going to a MIDI input on your audio/MIDI interface, and you're selecting that input as the MIDI Input device in the editor? I assume you're able to send patches to the VF-1 properly, it's just the receiving that's not working? Are you positive that the 2nd MIDI cable is working (have you tried swapping them?)? What firmware does your VF-1 have?

What's your MIDI interface? Do you have the latest driver version for it? What OS are you using? I don't really know what else to say at this point. If everything's setup right and it's not going to work, we're going to need to dig deeper.

Let's take this aside. Send me a PM or use the support e-mail address found on the hosting site, and we'll collaborate. Thanks for trying the editor, of course! I'll do my best to help you get it working. Ah, the joys of developing for the world of PC's and its infinite hardware combinations and unpredictabilities.

OK, I know this is going to sound insulting, but please indulge me: Do you definitely 100% absolutely have the MIDI output on the VF-1 going to a MIDI input on your audio/MIDI interface, and you're selecting that input as the MIDI Input device in the editor? I assume you're able to send patches to the VF-1 properly, it's just the receiving that's not working? Are you positive that the 2nd MIDI cable is working (have you tried swapping them?)? What firmware does your VF-1 have?

What's your MIDI interface? Do you have the latest driver version for it? What OS are you using?Your questions are just reasonable. Check your mail for the answers.

Hi all, I posted about this on the Yahoo group as well, but that place moves slowly so I'm hoping someone here can help. I just got one of these, and saw that it was on version 1.00, so I grabbed the 1.13 files from the Yahoo group and the SMF player from the Roland site (note: I'm on a Mac, but that shouldn't be a problem). The install seemed fine until the end, when it posted a check sum error, but it appeared to complete the update and told me to wait for 40 seconds before powering it off. I did so.and the screen is blank and the unit is bricked. I tried resending the update, as well as the 1.12 update, but nothing. Is there a way to do a hard reset of the unit or something? I've not even had it 48 hours.

Sorry, this is a bit off topic, but if I can get it working I'd like to create my own editor to share, so. Hi all, I posted about this on the Yahoo group as well, but that place moves slowly so I'm hoping someone here can help. I just got one of these, and saw that it was on version 1.00, so I grabbed the 1.13 files from the Yahoo group and the SMF player from the Roland site (note: I'm on a Mac, but that shouldn't be a problem). The install seemed fine until the end, when it posted a check sum error, but it appeared to complete the update and told me to wait for 40 seconds before powering it off. I did so.and the screen is blank and the unit is bricked. I tried resending the update, as well as the 1.12 update, but nothing. Is there a way to do a hard reset of the unit or something?



I've not even had it 48 hours. Sorry, this is a bit off topic, but if I can get it working I'd like to create my own editor to share, so.OUCH!

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Vr Editor

Sorry to hear about that, i have two of these myself, one i bought new and the other used in almost mint condition a number of years ago. I think one of them is on 1.12 and the other might be on 1.00.

The one i go new i think was on 1.00 and i did upgrade it to 1.12 early on, the other one i didnt bother with since i heard alot about bricked Boss units and as usual with Boss gear the upgrade was of minimal significance to correct some special case problem that very few encounter. In my experience Boss usually get it surpricingly correct from the beginning, many manufacurers today push beta firmware to the users.