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Installing Rhino Mocks - The Best Software For Your Average ratng: 8,8/10 6566 reviews
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  • Automating Installation of Rhino 5. Determine which works best for your. Paths for installing 32- and 64-bit Rhino. Installing them both into the same.
  • Rhino Mocks Step-By-Step Tutorials. What I'm looking for is a tutorial which does not have any assumed prior rhino mock knowledge. I think the best links.

. Introduction Since the 3rd of October 2008, has released a new version of Rhino Mocks. Rhino Mocks is 'A dynamic mock object framework for the.Net platform. It's purpose is to ease testing by allowing the developer to create mock implementations of custom objects and verify the interactions using unit testing.'

Rhino Mocks Step-By-Step Tutorials. I think the best links. Browse other questions tagged tdd rhino-mocks rhino-mocks-3.5 or ask your own question.

This version now supports the syntax. The major feature in Rhino Mocks 3.5 is the AAA syntax. Arrange, Act, Assert is a classic way to setup your tests. First you arrange the state, then you execute the code under test, finally you assert that the expected state change happened.

Which makes it more easy to read and use. I will try to explain how to use it and show the difference between the old and the new syntax using VB.Net. This article is not about why and when you should use Mocks. This is also not an article on best practices. The Repository for example is kept light it is just there to explain things.

I will also write just on test to see if the service returns the correct something if it gets called. For this it needs to use the Repository implementation but because we don't want the test to go to the database I will Mock it out.

You can find me and some other bright people at Prerequisites. I used Rhino Mocks 3.5 for this, which can be found. And NUnit, which can be found. Set up For this example I will use A Service and a Repository.


The Service calls the Repository to do the dirty work. Both also have an interface which is usually the easier way to Mock something. First we create the IService and IRepository interfaces Namespace Service Public Interface IService Function FindAllProducts As IList( Of Model.Product) End Interface End Namespace Namespace Repository Public Interface IRepository( Of T) Function FindAll As IList( Of T) End Interface End Namespace Now both Interfaces need an implementation. Nothing fancy, just a simple implementation.

The Repository code is there just as an example. It won't even work.

And it doesn't need to work because we are going to mock it out. First the service. This simply calls the repository. It also takes a IRepository(Of Model.Product) as a parameter so that we can inject an implementation in it. Namespace Service Public Class Service Implements IService Private Repository As Repository.IRepository( Of Model.Product) Public Sub New( ByVal Repository As Repository.IRepository( Of Model.Product)) Repository = Repository End Sub Public Function FindAllProducts As IList( Of Model.Product) Implements IService.FindAllProducts Return Repository.FindAll End Function End Class End Namespace And now an implementation of IRepository which we won't use in the tests.

In this post, we will see how we can write unit test cases for our WCF Service, with a framework called NUnit. We will also be covering how to mock our dependencies in our test, here we will be using Rhino Mocks. I am going to use Visual Studio 2015 for the development. I hope you will like this article. Please see this article in my blog. Download source code. Background As a developer, we all write lots of codes in our day to day life.

It is more important to check whether the codes, we have written, work well or not. So for that, we developers usually use unit testing. Only a few developers are still practicing manual testing to just check whether the functionality is working or not.

I would say that is wrong. In TDD (Test Driven Development), unit testing is very important, where we actually write the test cases before we start our coding. Let us see what exactly the “Unit Testing” is. Unit Testing Unit testing is the process of testing a unit, it can be a class, a block of code, a function, or a property. We can easily test our units independently. In.NET, we have so many frameworks to perform the unit testing but here, we are going to use NUnit in which I found very easy to write tests. If you have Resharper installed in your machine, it will be easier to execute and debug your tests.

Here, I am using Resharper in my Visual Studio, so the screenshots will be based on that. Now, it is time to set up our project and start our coding. Setting up the project To get started, please create an empty project in your Visual Studio. Now, we will add a WCF Service, as follows. Once you are done, you can see two files, an Interface(IMyService) and a class (MyService) with.svc extension. If you are completely new to WCF service, I strongly recommend you read some basics here. Now, it is time to set up our database and insert some data.

Creating a database Here, I am creating a database with the name “TrialDB”, you can always create a DB by running the query given below. USETrialDB. GO.

/. Object: Table dbo.Course Script Date: 03:57:30 PM./. SET ANSINULLS ON.


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GO. CREATE TABLEdbo.Course(. CourseID int  NOT NULL, CourseNamenvarchar(50) NOT NULL, CourseDescriptionnvarchar(100) NULL, CONSTRAINTPKCourse PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED(. CourseID ASC) WITH(PADINDEX = OFF, STATISTICSNORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNOREDUPKEY = OFF, ALLOWROWLOCKS = ON, ALLOWPAGELOCKS = ON) ONPRIMARY) ONPRIMARY. GO. Now we can insert few data to our newly created table. USETrialDB.

GO. INSERT INTOdbo.Course. (CourseID, CourseName, CourseDescription).

VALUES(1, 'C#', 'Learn C# in 7 days' ). INSERT INTOdbo.Course.

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What Is The Best Software For Video Editing

(CourseID, CourseName, CourseDescription). VALUES(2, 'Asp.Net', 'Learn Asp.Net in 7 days' ). INSERT INTOdbo.Course. (CourseID, CourseName, CourseDescription). VALUES(3, 'SQL', 'Learn SQL in 7 days' ). INSERT INTOdbo.Course. (CourseID, CourseName, CourseDescription).

VALUES(4, 'JavaScript', 'Learn JavaScript in 7 days' ). GO So, our data is ready. That means, we are all set to write our service and tests. Now, go to your solution and create an entity data model.


Entity has also been created. Now, open your interface, the platform where we start our coding. We can change the interface, as follows.